Geliat Jual Beli Emas Antam Hari Ini, 27 Maret 2024

Muhammad Kemal Farezy Mar 27, 2024 0 Comments
Geliat Jual Beli Emas Antam Hari Ini, 27 Maret 2024

Tangerang, – Harga emas Antam terus naik mencapai level Rp1,21 juta per gram atau hampir menyentuh rekor tertinggi hari ini, Rabu (27/3/2024).

Harga emas 24 karat PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (ANTM) atau Antam pada hari ini, Rabu (27/3/2024), melonjak tinggi, hampir mencapai rekor tertinggi. Investor dapat membeli emas Antam seharga Rp1,21 juta per gram hingga Rp1,1 miliar untuk ukuran terbesar 1 kg.

Berdasarkan data terbaru dari situs resmi Unit Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Logam Mulia Antam, emas Antam dengan ukuran terkecil 0,5 gram sekarang dijual dengan harga Rp658.500, naik Rp2.000 dari harga kemarin, Selasa (26/3/2024). Selanjutnya, untuk emas Antam berbobot 1 gram, harga yang ditetapkan hari ini adalah Rp1.217.000, naik Rp4.000 dari harga kemarin. Harga itu hanya sedikit lagi dari rekor tertinggi sebelumnya untuk emas Antam, yang dijual seharga Rp1.219.000 per gram.

Kemudian, emas Antam berukuran 5 gram dijual seharga Rp5.860.000, naik Rp20.000. Sementara itu, emas dengan berat 10 gram dihargai Rp11.665.000, naik Rp40.000.

Meanwhile, for gold enthusiasts seeking larger sizes, a 50-gram gold bar can now be acquired for Rp57,995,000. Additionally, a 100-gram gold bar is priced at Rp115,912,000. For investors interested in collecting Antam gold in a 500-gram size, it is currently sold at Rp578,820,000. Meanwhile, the largest Antam gold size, 1,000 grams or 1 kg, is valued at Rp1,157,600,000.

On the other hand, the buyback price for Antam gold has reached Rp1,109,000 per gram, unchanged from the previous day. However, it’s essential to note that this buyback price does not include taxes for transactions exceeding Rp10 million. Nevertheless, there has been an adjustment in the buyback price for Antam gold, which now records an increase of Rp4,000 to Rp1,109,000 per gram compared to the previous day.

The resale price does not yet consider taxes for amounts exceeding Rp10 million. Referring to PMK No. 34/PMK.10/2017, selling back gold bars to PT ANTAM Tbk. (ANTM) with amounts exceeding Rp10 million is subject to a 1.5 percent withholding tax (for NPWP holders) and 3 percent for non-NPWP holders.

The withholding tax (PPh 22) on these transactions is deducted directly from the total buyback value. The purchase of gold bars will be subject to a 0.45 percent withholding tax (for NPWP holders) and 0.9 percent for non-NPWP holders. Each purchase of gold bars is accompanied by proof of withholding tax (PPh 22).

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